What Really Drives Me Up The Wall!

This is a Blog containg everyday things that "Really Drive Me Up The Wall"

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wrist Watches

Hey All,

Was down the pub the other day when something caught my eye, Normally it would be a barmaid but not tonight!

I glanced over my shoulder to notice 2 guys chatttin it wasn't their chat that was annoying me oh no it was the way they were wearing their wrist watches upside down.

Please see pics below.

The Right Way

The Twats Way

Please Please Friends don't start wearing your watches this way cos it"Really Drives Me Up The Wall"

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Women Moan No.2

This Really Drives Me Up The Wall!!!!

When a girl you fancy asks you are you single and you reply (in my case anyway) yes, yes I am she replies saying "I think your good looking why haven't you got a girlfriend if I was single I'd go out with you"

If you were single stop there thats enough for me

Bloody women!!!

I can see there will be more posts about them soon

Peace out Mr N

Women Moan No.1

I was recently in a bar it was a hot summers night so i tied my hair back when I was Chatting to the barmaid(Gemma)

Gemma " I really like your hair tied up"

Mr N " Why thank you my dear but i'm thinking of getting it all cut off"

Gemma "Don't do that it really suits you long"

A week passes the hair has gone and I'm at the bar

Mr N "Hi could I have a John Smiths and what do you want"

Gemma " I want you, you sex god"

Whoa whoa whoa Thats a dream I had back to reality

Mr N "Hi gemma you ok"

Gemma "yes thank you wow you have had your hair cut it suits you so much more than when it was longer John Smiths is it?"

Now the moan to this story is what the fuck suits me is long or shortwomen can never make up there bloody minds what suited me long or short if you didn't like the long hair just say!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Marmite Jars!

I have loads of issues with these little bleeders.

No.1 Why are they still in little glass bottles!!!

No.2 I feel like eating half the marmite then chucking the rest of it away because you can never get the last damn bit out and then the top gets all gunked up with shit so the lid will never go back on properly.

It really drives me up the wall!!

The State Of The Roads

Being a car driver and a payer of car tax I have been thinking there must be millions of us paying road tax but still the roads are covered in craters although we have had a meteor shower why can’t the pinheads at the council sort it OUT. I bet their garden paths are nice and even!!!!

It really Drives Me Up The Wall!


It really drives me up the wall when these thoughtless idiots cross right in front of your car when there is a crossing about 10 yards down the road, It makes me want to rev the engine or just knock them down who will be moaning then????

Not Me!

Hello To You All x

Well here it is I have been forced into creating a Blog...

As some of you are aware I have somehow picked up the name Mr N(Mr Negativity) for all my moaning or as i like to call it "I'm just saying how it it is"

So from now on when I have a little comment you will be able to read it on here.

Bye for now

Mr N