What Really Drives Me Up The Wall!

This is a Blog containg everyday things that "Really Drive Me Up The Wall"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

This Makes Me Really Mad....

Ho Ho Ho,

You know whats really ticking me off at the moment, Well let me tell you.

If its not bad enough having to deal with women drivers on the road, we now have a new level of the annoying woman driver.

Yep thats right its the woman driver in the 4X4 vehicle!!!!

They may be small in stature but these little ladies just love to hog the whole of the road in there 4X4 it drives me up the wall I am getting angry just blogging this!!!!

There Not Super Cops

Hello all,

Christmas is coming and is a time to be cheerful unless you are Mr N.

Was Driving through the town the other day when I noticed 2 patrolling officers of the law and so did the frickin car in front as it slowed down to under 30 mph!!!

I mean come on your dozy tit there on foot there not going to chase after you on foot.

Friday, December 01, 2006

For Hells sake!!!!

Right this Director is really winding me up he has now just asked me

"Stu can you give me Simon's email Number"

He really driving me up the wall Email number

Yeah its 1263744@75475755.com

Answer Voice

Right today I'm blogging from work because something has really got my goat!!!

As I was sitting in the office quietly eating my Sausage, Egg, Tomato and Brown sauce sandwich, One of the directors who isn't the most technical person in the world, Heres what I heard......

"For Chuffs sake, The F'in phone keeps going to Answer Voice !!!"

Come on what the hell " Answer Voice" please just either say "Voice mail" or "Answer Phone"

What really drove me up the wall is every person who has been into our office has been told about hios phone going to "Answer Voice "